Organic food export to Denmark
Introduction to the Danish organic market


Although Denmark is a relatively small country the market for organic food and environmental products is rather interesting as an export market. The market share for organic products are among the highest in Europe and in general the Danish population has high interest environment friendly products.

The economy in Denmark has been developing fast in the last years (2003 - 2007). The unemployment is low and the consumers have been demanding more products - and there has been  a dramatic growth in the interest of organic food. Even though Denmark has a high production of organic food it has been necesarry with import of many organic products.

In the period of 2004 - 2007 the turnover of organic foods in Denmark has increased with 77 percent. Just in 2007 the turnover increased with 33 percent compared with the year before.

Turnover of organic foods in Danish retail shops
2003 2004 2005 2006 2007
270 mill. Euro 270 mill. Euro 310 mill. Euro 360 mill. Euro 480 mill. Euro

Very early (in the 1980'ies) the Danish supermarkets paid attention to organic foods and still a very large percentage of the organic food in Denmark is sold via supermarkets. Anyhow there is a growing market in the catering sector, restaurants and special shops. In the last five years box scheme systems has become popular too.

Dairy products are the most important organic products on the Danish market covering aprox. 40 percent of the total turnover. Also in the conventional food sector fresh milk is a very important product on the Danish market. Anyhow the organic market share on fresh milk is close to 30 percent of the total market of fresh milk.

Also the organic market share for oatflakes is arround 30 percent. Products like carrots, potatoes and onions has relatively high market share too covering more than half of the total sales of organic vegetable. However the consumers interest in organic vegetable and fruit is increasing. Already today a high import is needed to satisfy the market for organic vegetable and fruits.

The sales of organic fruit and vegetables almost reached 100 million Euro in 2007 - or aprox. 20 percent of the total turnover of organic products.