ifoam'96 ifoam'96
Book of Abstracts
11th IFOAM Scientific Conference
11-15 August 1996, Copenhagen, Denmark
EcoWeb Denmark


Organic Agriculture Program, Ukraine. P3; 36

Kisel, V.

Institute for Soil Science and Agrochemistry Research, 310024 Kharkov

Ecological situation in Ukraine is really strained. Territorien of country is saturated by plants. The volume of departures, that accumulated in mining, energetic and metallurgy, is more than 17 milliards tons now. Different source of polution are throw out about 16 millions tons of harmful matters every year. As a Chernobyl accident result 4.7 millions hectares agriculture lands, that equals about 8% of soil fund in Ukraine, is polluted in radionuclides. All these facts are very unfavourable for population living conditions.
The problem of secure products manufacturing is separatly topical. This problem decision is impossible without organic agriculture development in Ukraine. Therefore, a program »Organic Agriculture« worked up and realized in the country. 15 leading agricultural institutes take part in this program.
In our opinion, the main aim of organic agriculture is harmonization in relationships between peoples and environment with spineless influence to soil, that is one of basic biospherical components. The stable equilibrium achievement for agroecosistems is very important. Healthy soil without any degression sign, which have ability to provide for getting high crops of healthy products in different weather fluctuations.
Ukrainian scientists investigations in problem of organic agriculturepermits to formulate some basic principles, which provided stableequilibrium state in agroecosistems
- energetic balance in »soil-plant« sistem;
- rational sufficient in organic fertilizers use;
- optimization of soil gumus state.
Our scientists had worked up: - granulated organic fertilizers with regulated content of nutritious elements; - microbiological preparations based in vesicular-arbuscular micorriza; - organic fertilizer »biogumus« obtained with help of vermian culture;
- ecologicaly safe system soil cultivation;
- biological method to fight against to weed based in intercroping.
These elaborations have been adapted with IFOAM's requirements and recommended Ukrainian farmers for use.